Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Lawnmower Lives

Pastors don’t make lots of money, or at least most don’t.  (My monthly income is $2326, after taxes.)  You don’t get weekends off.  You often work unexpected hours, like Monday night when I sat in the emergency room with a parishioner.  But one benefit you have is the flexibility of your schedule.  You can easily leave work to see the doctor or have the car fixed.  And if you need a mental health day off, you can take one.  I took one Wednesday.  I was tired Tuesday evening, unable to concentrate and unable to remember the last day away from church.  So I stayed home yesterday and did yard work — it’s good for the soul.

Which brings me to the lawnmower.  I have tried to kill my lawnmower, leaving it outside in snow, rain and ice.  Yet it lives.  It mocks me, “Silly man, you cannot get rid of me!”  I feel like the Yugo owner who leaves his unlocked car in airport parking with the keys in the ignition, desperate for someone to steal it.  I want to get a better lawnmower, like this one.  But alas, the old one will not quit, in spite of my attempts to end its life.  It is just as well; the money for a new lawnmower should go into savings for a new car.

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